Join us later at exactly 11:30 pm and witness the first few intervals as we switchover to the five-minute market.
Need more details on WESM Mindanao? Read a copy of the Guidelines on the WESM Central Scheduling here: https://www.iemop.ph/market-reports/supporting-documents-for-market-operations/?md_file=L3Zhci93d3cvaHRtbC93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvZG93bmxvYWRzL3JlcG9ydHMvc3VwcG9ydGluZy1kb2N1bWVudHMtZm9yLW1hcmtldC1vcGVyYXRpb25zL01JTl9XQ1NfR1VJREVMSU5FU18yMDIxMDYxOC5wZGY=
Likewise, you may browse through DOE Department Circular No. DC2021-06-0015 declaring the Commercial Operations of Enhanced WESM Design and Providing further Policies through this link: https://www.iemop.ph/…/supporting-documents-for…/…