Fast Forward to Five: EWDO Full Parallel Operations Program Focus Group Discussion (FGD): Updates and Next Activities
In preparation for the Enhanced WESM Design and Operations (EWDO) Go-Live on 26 December 2020, the Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines (IEMOP) has officially re-launched the EWDO Parallel Operations Program (POP), and WESM Mindanao Trial Operations Program (TOP) Activities in June 2020. With the theme “Fast Forward to Five”, the campaign aims to encourage the trading participants to fully participate in the POP in order to familiarize themselves with the new market systems.
As we approach the target date, we will be conducting another round of online FGDs on 27 August 2020 at 9:00 am (For Luzon and Visayas) and 27 August 2020 at 2:00 pm (For Mindanao) via Zoom Conference to provide the developments that transpired in the POP and address the remaining concerns of the participants on the New Market Management System (NMMS) and the Central Registration Settlement System (CRSS).