RE Supplier, RMSP and SOLR Registration

IEMOP GEOP BULLETIN NO. 1.1, 15 December 2021
Registration of Renewable Energy Suppliers, Retail Metering Service Providers and Suppliers of Last Resort
under the Green Energy Option Program
pursuant to ERC Resolution No. 08, Series of 2021
and DOE Circular No. DC2018-07-0019 and DC2020-04-009


Pursuant to the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, the Department of Energy (DOE) established the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP) which provides a mechanism for electricity end-users to source their electricity supply from renewable energy resources. To operationalize the GEOP, the DOE issued Department Circular Nos. DC2018-07-0019, entitled “Promulgating the Rules and Guidelines Governing the Establishment of the Green Energy Option Program Pursuant to the Renewable Energy Act of 2008” and DC2020-04-009, entitled “Guidelines Governing the Issuance of Operating Permits to Renewable Energy Suppliers under Green Energy Option Program”. Further to these, the ERC issued ERC Resolution No. 08, Series of 2021 (the “ERC GEOP Rules”) which set out the detailed rules for the implementation of GEOP. The ERC GEOP Rules took effect on 03 September 2021.

This Bulletin supplements Bulletin 1 (issued on 25 November 2021) and is being issued by IEMOP, as the Central Registration Body (CRB), to guide Renewable Energy (RE) Suppliers in registration in the CRB and the WESM as required under Section 9.4 of Department Circular No. 2020-04-0009, as to remind the Retail Metering Service Providers (RMSP) and Suppliers of Last Resort (SOLR) intending to participate in Green Energy Option Program (GEOP) to register under the WESM. The CRB shall issue a separate advisory for the process prior and during switch proper of end-users to GEOP.

This Bulletin and subsequent bulletins issued by the CRB are for guidance only. Readers are encouraged to refer to the relevant issuances, as listed above, as well as to related provisions of the WESM Rules, Retail Rules, the WESM Registration Manual and other relevant market manuals.


a.   Registration of RE Suppliers

IEMOP started accepting applications for registrations of RE Suppliers on 03 December 2021, or after the end of the 3-month transition period prescribed by Section 52 of ERC GEOP Rules.

Pursuant to DOE Circular No. DC2020-04-0009, RE Suppliers shall register in the WESM[1] under RE Supplier Category and as such must comply with WESM registration requirements. Subject to Paragraph II of this Advisory, below are the general requirements for registration of RE Suppliers under GEOP:

  1. Registration requirements in the WESM under RE Supplier Category 
  2. Retail Electricity License issued by the ERC pursuant to the guidelines set under ERC Resolution No. 1, Series of 2011, as applicable[2];
  3. GEOP Operating Permit issued by the DOE[3]; and
  4. Proof of authority of RE Supplier’s representative[4] which should at least provide the following:

               i.   Identify the authorized representative; and
              ii.   Authority of the representative to execute, sign or deliver documents necessary to documents to comply with
                   government and CRB’s requirements relating to GEOP and WESM.


Copy of the detailed list of requirements for registration of RE Suppliers is attached to this Bulletin as Registration Requirements – RE Suppliers (GEOP)”. The RE Supplier shall submit the requirements to the CRB by uploading them through the Central Registration and Settlement System (CRSS). The CRB shall approve the request for registration within fifteen (15) calendar days from the submission of complete and compliant documents.


b.   Registration of RMSP and SOLR

Network Service Providers and Distribution Utilities that will serve as RMSP and/or SOLR for end-users that will participate in GEOP shall comply with the WESM Registration requirements under their respective categories. The RMSP/SOLR applicant shall submit the requirements to the CRB by uploading them through the Central Registration and Settlement System (CRSS).

WESM Registration requirements for RMSP and SOLR may be downloaded at  The CRB shall approve the request for registration within fifteen (15) calendar days from the submission of complete and compliant documents.



c.   New Applicants

Entities intending to register as an RE Suppliers, but which are not yet registered in the WESM or CRB under any registration category, shall comply with all the requirements for registration as Direct WESM Member and WESM Customer Trading Participant.

Network Service Providers and Distribution Utilities that will serve as SOLR for end-users that will participate in GEOP shall comply with the WESM Registration requirements as Direct WESM Member and WESM Customer Trading Participant.

Network Service Providers and Distribution Utilities that will serve as RMSP for end-users that will participate in GEOP shall comply with the WESM Registration requirements as Metering Service Provider.


d.   Existing Registered Participants  

Retail Electricity Suppliers. Entities that are already registered in the WESM as Retail Electricity Suppliers (RES) or Local RES but wish to register as an RE Supplier will be registered in the WESM under these two categories. As RE Supplier, it shall comply with all the requirements for registration as such, but documents that are already on file with IEMOP and are still valid will be considered to avoid duplicate submissions. If these documents are no longer valid, or have been changed or amended in the meantime, the applicant shall submit the new documents.

Retail Metering Service Provider. Entities that are already registered in the WESM as Retail Metering Service Provider (RMSP) and will serve GEOP end-users shall update their registration under that category to cover metering service under GEOP.

Supplier of Last Resort. Entities that are already registered in the WESM as Supplier of Last Resort (SOLR) and will serve GEOP end-users shall update their registration under that category to cover service for last resort supply events under GEOP.

Prudential Requirement. The prudential requirements of entities that will register as RE Suppliers or SOLR and are also registered as Retail Electricity Suppliers (RES) or Local RES shall be calculated in accordance with prevailing market rules and manuals. Likewise, the provisions of ERC GEOP Rules and WESM Rules shall apply to the re-calculation of Prudential Requirements of the RES whose customer shifted to an RE supplier.



a. Prescribed Forms and Templates

IEMOP shall issue a separate advisory on the prescribed forms and templates for your reference.

b. References

Copies of ERC GEOP Rules, DOE DC2018-07-0019 and DOE DC2020-04-0009 are attached to this Bulletin.

c. Data Privacy Policy

IEMOP processes relevant personal information in accordance with its data privacy policy. IEMOP’s Privacy Notice may be viewed or downloaded via

d. Inquiries

Should you have any question, please feel free to get in touch with us through our IEMOP Ticketing System or email us at


[1] Section 9.4, DOE DC2020-04-0009.
[2] Section 12, ERC GEOP Rules. Under Section 3(bb) of ERC GEOP Rules, entities considered as Local RES are not required to secure a Retail Electricity License but shall still comply with relevant provisions under ERC Resolution No. 1, Series of 2011.
[3] Section 5.1, DOE DC2020-04-0009 and Section 11(a), DOE DC2018-07-0019.
[4]The CRB accepts secretaries’ certificates for juridical entities and special power of attorneys for individuals as proof of authority.