The Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines (IEMOP) and the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation (PEMC) commend the recent appointments of two key figures in the electric power industry, namely: Raphael Lotilla as Secretary of Energy, and Monalisa Dimalanta as Chairperson of the Energy Regulatory Commission.
The appointments of Secretary Lotilla and Chairperson Dimalanta come at a critical juncture where the electric power industry is in the midst of unprecedented challenges brought upon by the unceasing increase of fossil fuel prices compounded with high inflation rates that have tremendously burdened the lives of our fellow Filipinos. Surmounting these unprecedented challenges would require excellent and experienced leadership at the helm of the Department of Energy and the Energy Regulatory Commission, which Secretary Lotilla and Chairperson Dimalanta certainly bring forth to the electric power industry.
“We are pleased to see the appointment of Secretary Lotilla and firmly believe in his capacity and integrity as the new energy chief. His years of experience in the industry will be invaluable in addressing the country’s challenges and goals of attaining energy security, independence, and sustainability”, IEMOP Chairman Ralph Villanueva and PEMC Chairman Noel Aboboto said in a joint statement, declaring also that they are “confident that the new ERC Chairperson, Atty. Dimalanta, will be able to provide the leadership and regulatory direction which are vital in these challenging times for the energy sector.”
With the said appointments, both IEMOP and PEMC reiterate their commitment and support to the Department of Energy and the Energy Regulatory Commission in ensuring the quality, reliability, security and affordability of electricity in the country.