REM Membership

REM Membership

Click here for the list of registered participants in the REM as of 30 September 2024.

Click here for the DOE list of RE Eligible Facilities as of March 2024.

REM Member Categories

Pursuant to Clause 2 of the REM Rules, the following entities in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao the REM Member Categories are as follows:

I. On-Grid Mandated Participants such as:

A. Distribution Utility (DU) serving captive customers, including:

  1. DU- Electric Cooperative (EC)
  2. DU- Private
  3. DU- LGU-owned and controlled
  4. DU- Economic Zone Utility

B. Supplier of Electricity for the Contestable Market

  1. Retail Electricity Supplier (RES)
  2. Local RES
  3. Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR)

C. Generation companies that serve Directly Connected Customers (DCC) registered in the WESM.

II. Generation companies that own eligible RE generation facilities participating in the WESM. For the Mindanao Grid, which is not yet connected to Luzon and Visayas grids, the RE Generation Facilities that are included are those connected to the main grid. REM Generators must belong to one of following technology categories:

  • Biomass;
  • Waste to energy;
  • Wind;
  • Solar;
  • Ocean;
  • Run-of-river hydro;
  • Impounding hydro systems meeting internationally acceptable standards;
  • Geothermal;
  • Hybrid systems as defined in the RE Act; and
  • Other renewable energy technologies that may be officially classified by the DOE.

Meanwhile, the following entities in On-Grid Areas may be registered in the REM by their host DU under the REM Generator category:

  • Net-Metered RE Generation Facilities in On-Grid Systems;
  • Embedded Non-WESM Embedded RE Generators;
  • End-users with RE Generation Facilities for its own use;
  • RE Generation facilities accredited under the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP), with concurrence of the owner of the generating facilities.

For answers to the frequently asked questions on the participant registration in the REM, please click on this link.


RE Market Participants List

Date Published
RE Market Participants List
as of 30 September 2024
List of Registered Renewable Energy Market (REM)
Participants as of 30 September 2024
01 Oct 2024Download Here